All the People, the last volume in the series, covers US History from the end of World War II to the present. This updated fourth edition covers, for the first time, events that have taken place in the past 6 years, including the 2008 election of Barack Obama and the significance of this election. All the People focuses on Civil Rights in the last half of the 20th Century and the beginning of the 21st, ensuring that readers will have a firm grasp of the groundbreaking nature and lasting importance of this movement.
Throughout the book, which has been completely redesigned with a bold new look, Hakim portrays contemporary American life in a lively, engaging way. Readers will encounter fascinating stories about famous Americans (Joe McCarthy, Martin Luther King, Jr., Richard Nixon), historical events (the Vietnam War, the first man on the moon), and major cultural movements (1960s counterculture, feminism). Interspersed features provide further anecdotes about the characters that have shaped the last 65 years--for instance, one conjectures about what Alan Greenspan might hide in his briefcase; another discusses the life and times of Mark I, the world's first automatic computer. Sidebars, illustrations, definitions, and quotes line the margins, providing illimitable sources of information and entertainment.
The fourth edition of All the People will continue the tradition of previous editions, serving as an invaluable entry into the history of this nation. Readers will never think of history as boring again.
- A breathtaking journey through American life from 1945 to the present
- Extensive coverage of Civil Rights, including the landmark election of President Barack Obama
- Hundreds of photographs, illustrations, maps, and political cartoons, as well as a chronology and further reading
- Joy Hakim, one of the best history authors working today, "puts the story back in history" (Rocky Mountain News)
- Winner of the James Michener Prize in Writing
- The only fourth edition in the series.